Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mission 2010 !!! :))

Guyzzz!!! 2010 is finally here..
Now! Now is the time to make new resolutions.....
(next week, we can take them light as usual :P ;) )

So my resolutions for 2010 are:

To get the opportunity of paying income tax :P
To not experience another summer/winter in Cincinnati!! :P
To try to stay within budget! ( whose budget? :P)
To control on chocolates, cakes and icecreams....Seriously Honestly Truly madly Deeply !! :P
To wear my new clothes atleast 3 times before I start getting bored of them! :P
To try to restrict the usage of :P smiley in writing job cover letters! :P
To try not to bore my advisor with the same excuses for missing the deadlines. Will think of more innovative ones. :P
To check my emails only 10-15 times a day :P
To try to figure out why I really need 6 e-mail addresses :P
To make sure I send the mails without forgetting the attachments!
To stop getting depressed about how no-one cares to send me emails! :P
To try to remember taking quarters before goin all the way down to the laundry room.
To publish a paper on "What all things can go wrong in a research work!"
To stop wondering if indeed the world ll end in 2012 ! :P
To start wondering if indeed i ll get a job in 2010 ! :P
To try not to wear the same set of clothes the next day just coz noone seemed to notice me :P.
To watch "Shawshank Redemption" once more and try to figure out why I dont think it deserves to be the No.1 Movie.
To do a practical research on "why girls like shopping" :P
To drink less of juice and more of water.
To stop taking crocin for every damn thing. :P
To stop spelling friends as "freinds" :P
To not see any horror movie featuring a small girl in a white frock sitting silently and singing songs !
To try not to be too imaginative in figuring out the shadows on the wall at night !
To try to wake up after atleast 3 snoozes of alarm.
To stop expecting a package even if I had not ordered anything :P
To try to cook without disarming the smoke alarm :P.
To sleep continuosly for 36 hrs ! :)
To stop getting frustrated about only 450 day time minutes and start rejoicing for free atnt-atnt minutes :P.
To stop looking at Linda Goodman love compatibility with every crush I have ! :P
To stop wondering about what my last name would be after my marriage :P

Anyway thats it for now.....Have a happy and prosperous new year....:))
Cheers to the New Year 2010 and another chance for all of us to get things right !!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Motivation available here ! :P

The best motivational song I've ever heard.....believe me, it truly inspires us :)).....The lyrics are jus amazing....
" You've got to want it from the bottom of your heart...
You've got to give it everything you've got....
You've got to live it and never let it goo...
Give yourself completely - body, mind and soul ..
You gotto believe in yourself !! :)))) "

PS: May b I shud use this for my diet program :P :))....Motivation getting loaded !! :P

Just luhhvvedd the song,the lyrics and the passion associated with it !!