Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An appointment with Santa :)

If you had one wish to ask for urself , what would it be?
I asked myself for the 100th time..
Whatever the wish was, Santa was known to fulfil it.....n I was about to meet him at 10am to make a wish....n he will grant it..
Seriously??!!! You are being granted a wish n u dnt knw what to ask for??....I wondered..
I thought hard.....I had many things I wanted to happen...but most of them are not for me personally....they are for my loved ones....but today, santa's condition was to wish for smething affecting me n my life only..
I didnt knw why I was among a very few picked by Santa this christmas for this wish-fulfiling opportunity....
I thought hard....i had many things on my mind...but everything seemed very petty.....dint want to waste sucha lucky chance by asking too small a wish....
I got ready to leave the house....stepped out into the street....
Cool breeze touched my skin.....simultaneously the sun shined.....a typical winter morning in california..... wid soo much decoration on d streets, One cud not miss Christmas was round the corner...
Excitement to meet santa started to sink in...i started feeling more happier...but I still dint decide what to ask for....
I started thinking again....harder....
Cmon, only 1 wish?...This isnt fair , I thought :P....Deciding on only 1 wish to ask for a lifetime isnt sucha easy thing u knw :)...
probably I can use a conjunction to add more than 1 wish in a single wish :P..
or prehaps I should frame my sentence very carefully to fetch the most out of it :P...
may be I should ask for something permanent which ll last for a long long time..
may be I should ask something like take me to the moon or smething :P, but then I ll also have to ask for pani puri supply there :P
may be I should ask for availability of seetaphal (custard apple) throughout the year :P
may be I should ask for a tasty food which reduces fat content in body :P
my mind started getting overwhlemed with the things I had always wished for....
I was next in line for the appointment....I had only 5mins to decide on the final wish...
Excitement turned into tension :P...I started sweating....
5mins passed...n It was my turn..
He asked "What do you want"
I sound of those words made me think "What do I want?? "
Slowly I found the answer in myself and this brought a bright smile on my face...
He asked again " What do u wanna ask for?"
I smiled and answered " Nothing, I already got what I wanted in life"
He looked surprised. He dint seem to understand.
I smiled, showed him my engagement ring and walked away....
:) :) :)
Merry christmas and Happy new year guyzzz :))
