Saturday, December 22, 2012

Letter to Yashu on 25th Bday :D

Dearest Yashu,

Well its your 25th bday and Obvioulsy among the 25 gifts this year, there had to be a letter. I thought a lot about what to write. I thought about it all day in office :P, during lunch breaks, in my dreams, in the movie theaters and even during eating icecreams. But well I couldnt think of anything :P. So just pretend as if you are reading some really senti stuff and act the "Kantlo nalusu padindi" scene :P. Just go into flashback mode and think of all the things you would have written to me :P. If anyone demands to read the letter, you can say its too personal and you dont want anyone to read it :P.
Wishing you all happiness in life and many more gifts next year :P :D...
Ummahhhhhhhhhhh :D

PS: If you really wanna read some senti cheesy stuff :P, you can still refer to my blog for you in 2007 :P hehe

Love you sweetuu....more than words can say....n more than you/anyone can ever imagine :D

                                                                           Yours DiDi
                                                 < Still in state of shock that my kiddo bro is 25 already >